Tuesday 1 September 2015

Press Statement: #CORPORATIONS Stealing Advertising from the CHALE WOTE Street Art Festival

REDD Kat Pictures + ACCRA [dot] ALT, producers of the CHALE WOTE Street Art Festival since its inception in 2011, declare that the following corporations have unrightfully promoted their products and services to the greater public through the festival:
 Red Bull, Vodafone, Hello Foods, Blue Skies, Bel Aqua and Airtel
  • Red Bull vendors gained unauthorized entry into the festival and left branded cars at the entrance on Sunday, 23 August
  • Vodafone vendors walked through the festival wearing branded vests selling recharge cards to customers
  • Hello Foods employees wore branded T-shirts and passed out flyers to festivalgoers
  • Blue Skies set up a vending truck (G-G 2585-15 vending truck registration) at the entrance of Seaview Hotel on Sunday, 23 August after being told several times by the organizers to leave
  • Bel Aqua took images from the festival and created an advertising campaign on their social media platforms branding their water
  • An Airtel commercial featuring Kalybos in James Town uses the visual art of Jason Nicco-Annan without his permission or payment.
Every year, we must confront well-resourced companies who exploit the festival and the work of artists with impunity. This amounts to theft, a persistent stealing of the intellectual property of artists, as a way to boost sales with customers.

This dishonest practice does not acknowledge the time, energy, and cost that the artists and organizers of this festival have committed to the realization of CHALE WOTE. The artists and organizers are not contacted or recognized in name, an accurate portrayal of their work or payment for the use of their work for corporate advertising. These businesses don’t even stop to consider how an artist’s message might be compromised through association with the selling of products.
This goes against the very vision and mission of the CHALE WOTE Street Art Festival that is to provide a platform to Ghanaian artists to create, exhibit and make a livable wage from their crafts.
Furthermore, the Instagram platform, @chalewoteghana, is unauthorized and not associated in any way with the festival, REDD Kat Pictures or ACCRA [dot] ALT. It is evident that the operators of this account are attempting to capitalize off of five years of our team’s hard work and determination.
The tone, message and critical gaps in information about the festival and participating artists is problematic, particularly, since many Instagram users believe this to be the festival account.
The verified account for the festival is @chalewoteofficial.
 All information for the festival will come from this handle or @accradotaltradio. More information about the CHALE WOTE Street Art Festival and other ACCRA [dot] ALT activities can be found at www.accradotaltradio.com.
Mantse Aryeequaye | Sionne Neely
CHALE WOTE Street Art Festival
About Unknown

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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