Friday 4 September 2015

Court orders for substance found on Ekow Micah to be tested

According to Daakyehene Ofosu Agyemang of Kasapa fm, a local radio station in Accra, Ghana, an Accra Circuit Court presided by His Honour Aboagye Tandoh on Friday ordered for a forensic test to be carried out on a substance suspected to be narcotic substances, found in the house Ace musician Ekow Micah.

The test which is expected to be done at the Forensic Laboratory of the Ghana Police Service will establish if indeed the substance is marijuana.

Second witness detective Richard Ayayee produced the substance in court today and which Honour Aboagye Tandoh opted for the examination to be conducted at the police lab to ensure an expedited exercise and results.
The results are expected to be ready by 10th September after which the court will proceed with hearing of the case.
Micah was arrested at his Ogbojo residence by the Airport Police in Accra for his complexity in what looks an extortion attempt gone bad. He is one of three people so far questioned by the police for various roles played in a case in which one Sarah Kwablah, is accusing Black Stars captain Asamoah Gyan of rape.
Relating to this story, Micah according to NewsOne have said he impregnated Sarah Kwablah and not Asamoah Gyan as earlier alleged. The lady have responded by insisting the Black Star's captain is responsible for her pregnancy. 

About Unknown

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