Wednesday 27 May 2015

AWDF Partner With Golden Movie Awards For African Women In Film (AWIF) Award

 The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) African Women In Film Award is presented to an African woman who has demonstrated through her work measurable efforts to change the narrative and challenge stereotypes about African women.

This award reflects AWDF’s commitment to raise the profile of African women, increase public support for women’s rights and social justice, and to facilitate platforms for African women’s views and achievements.

Nomination Process

Nominee must be an African woman filmmaker, producer, writer, actress or content creator.

The nominee must have demonstrated through their work measurable efforts to change negative narrative and stereotypes about African women (work produced over the last 5 years).

Nominations are open to the public. Nominations for this award close on June 3rd, 2015. Further details of the nomination process will be put online at

To nominate a person for this award, go to

Prize for the winner: GHS 5,000 cash, plaque and opportunity to participate as a resource person in an African Women In Film Seminar scheduled for later this year.

AWDF and Golden Movie Awards will organise an African Women in Film Seminar, a  one- day capacity building programme that will bring together African women filmmakers, actresses, producers, writers and content creators to share expert advice and provide mentoring for African women in the film industry.

AWDF recognizes the importance of the arts as a tool for social justice work and as a medium to train, nurture and raise the profile of African women through their creative works and expression. The aim is to build the cadre of skilled African women who can use the different art mediums to promote women’s rights.

“We partnered with GMA because we see them as an innovative, emerging team seeking to raise the barrier in terms standards of excellence and production in the African movie industry. They are made up of young professionals eager to promote an agenda of authenticity and creativity in African visual storytelling,” Sarah Mukasa, AWDF’s Director Of Programmes said.
AWDF Partner With Golden Movie Awards For African Women In Film (AWIF) Award
About Unknown

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