Thursday, 23 April 2015
Press Release: Fayahlinks Media apologizes to Ghanaian sound engineer Kaywa
The management therefore wishes to state that Sleek promotions ceases to be its representative henceforth and anyone who deals with the outfit on their behalf does so at his own risk.
Read the full statement.
It is with biggest disappointment to the entire Fayahlinks Media crew and the management of Anumaa to announce the dishonesty of our representative in Ghana Sleeky Promotions, owner of for misleading the whole team and giving false information to the Ghanaian public and media.
Our artist’s appearance on Judgement Board on Pluzz FM gave us a shock of our lives as it was revealed that contrary to information by our country representative that Anumaa‘s new single Beautiful ft Fresh Prince of 4×4 fame was produced by Kaywa, the song was actually produced by Willis Beats.
At this stage investigations concerning the whole issue is still in progress. However we would want to use this medium to render an apology to Kaywa and also to thank him in approaching this issue with professionalism .
We wish to officially announce that with immediate effect, Sleeky of ceases to be our country representative and that no one should deal with him on our behalf as we would not be held accountable for any such scam.
end of statement
This whole issue started on Tuesday, 21st April on Pluzz fm's morning show AM PLUZZ. A new song which was reviewed during the Judgement Board segment of the show which had Sound Engineer Oteng on board revealed his doubts if Kaywa was the producer of the beat of the new single by Anumaa which featured Fresh Prince of 4x4 fame.
During the review, Oteng raised doubts on the producer whihc made the host and producer of the show, Sammie Flex and Mr. Massive to call Kawya. Kaywa then confirmed had no idea who the said artist was and after listening to the song, he wished he had produced the song.
"I can't recall dealing with any artist by that name but after listening to the song, l wish l had produced the song. Its a beautiful but unfortunately l know nothing about it"said Kaywa.
Efforts by the AM PLUZZ team to get Sleeky on the line did not materialise. According to investigations, the song was produced by Willis Beat and not Kaywa as the management of the artist and the producer and host of the entertainment show were told.
Posted by : Unknown
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