Monday 20 April 2015

I never left Ghana because l wasn't safe - Frank Rajah

Some few weeks ago, news went viral indicating Nigerian Producer and movie director Frank Rajah had left Ghana to settle in Nigeria because Ghana is no longer a safe place for him.

The producer and director for "Somewhere in Africa" in an exclusive inteview with Studio360gh has denied ever taken such a decision.

"I saw and read the story online and people even called me about it. The truth is that l have being robbed on some number of occasions living and working in Ghana but crime is crime and it can happen everywhere. Be it Nigeria or Ghana so why would l decide to move totally out of Ghana? If l do that, then am giving Ghana a negative tag and blacklisting it but why would l do that" asked Frank.

We ask him what actually then made him leave the country and he said he actually took a break to plan for greater works.
"l am from Nigeria but Ghana is like my home. I have a home here,my family,my office and l do many productions here. l only left for Nigeria because l wanted to take a break to reflect on my works and future. As at now, l am in Ghana about to do a production for Yvonne Okoro and also to promo one of my best African story movies "IYORE" and the most expensive movie l have done though l have another very expensive movie called "Refugees".

The multi award winner went ahead to express how unhappy he was when he saw the story and said he called the publisher and ask why he did such a story since the publisher is his friend and even currently on board in promoting his new movie "IYORE".

Frank Rajah Arase is set to premiere his new movie,"IYORE" in Ghana and Nigeria on the 8th of May at the Silverbird cinemas.

Speaking on the movie, the director and producer indicated the movie is dear to him and its about his birthland.

"IYORE is a movie told from the soil and land of my birth,originally from Benin City that is where l am from. I have travelled all over to shoot but l have never tried my hometown for many reasons but one main reason is that l can't even speak my language. So it wasn't easy for me to shoot. In my line of work,l promise myself that l will never stop working as a producer and director without making a movie from the soil of my birth. Also if l have to do it, it have to be one of the best films l have ever done. IYORE is my best for today and obviously wont be my best for tomorrow. I had to move many cast to Benin to do this movie and really cost me alot but l can say IYORE is my most authentic African story l have ever done. I am very confident that when IYORE hits the cinemas, people will remember we Africans really have a story to tell. It took me months to put the story to together. So much research work went into developing the story".

Frank Rajah Arase promised patrons of an experience and boldly dared of a refund to anyone who visits the cinemas come May 8th and does not get the experience of an African story after viewership.

IYORE is described as a must see of movie. It is directed by Frank Rajah and stars great African actors; Rita Dominic, Joseph Benjamin, Yemi Blaq, Paul Obazele, Bukky Wright, Okawa Shaznay and a host of others.
It is Frank Rajah’s highest budget movie he directed in 2014 and it is based on the history and culture of the people of Benin, Nigeria, where he comes from. It is a mythical tale set around the ancient Benin Kingdom and tells a story about life after life. The epic feature is a mixture of historical facts and fiction. It explores a tragic love story centred on the rich culture of pre-colonial Benin through to the present day of Benin whilst exploring the supernatural ideas of reincarnation.

It is co-produced by Kwame Boadu of Heroes Production and Frank Rajah’s Raj Films. It is one of the movies to watch out for this year.
About Unknown

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