Saturday 18 April 2015

LYDIA FORSON voice her grieve on South Africa's Xenophobic attacks

One of Ghana's finest Actress and producer of "A letter from Adam" Lydia Forson has reacted to the curent killings in South Africa through an apistle on her Facebook page.

She expressed her shock in her delivery due to the unfortunate happenings in Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng in Durban.

Read her note:

 I think we as Africans have a long way to go, and it begins with the emancipation of our minds from mental slavery. Because there’s nothing more dangerous than a mind trapped in a cell with no ability to function on its own without an external force.
Unfortunately that is what a lot of us as Africans, and perhaps black people all over the world continue to suffer from.
Meanwhile. There’s someone sitting somewhere with a cigar in hand and on a very expensive probably LV couch looking on and saying with a smirk ” look at these fuckers, they still don’t get that we no longer have to beat them to a pulp or force them to do anything, nope, we f*cked with their brains so much now they fuck themselves without us asking them to”.

Because what will make a black man hate his brother this much? Especially one who is of the same skin colour and of the same continent more than another who is not of the same colour, not of the same land and oppressed him for years on end? Weird I know.

But you see, if you tell a child enough times that they’re stupid, chances are they will believe it eventually. Solution? Use the same method they used to make us believe we’re stupid, to make use believe we’re smart. Hammer it enough times and who knows, we just may believe it and start to live it. Maybe it won’t happen in my time, but hey it took them hundreds of years to make us this way, so hopefully eventually we will get it.

Ah well, what do I know. Maybe I’m just ranting. And maybe it’s not a black issue, but I find it amusing that we continue to find reasons to constantly hate and fight everyone except the ones who’ve actually hurt and committed crimes against us( not to say violence of any nature is justified). Again what do I know huh? I just dey my place.
‪#‎missforson -
About Unknown

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