Wednesday 24 June 2015

"I Will Be Contesting For The Parliamentary Seat" - Kwame Dzokoto Confirms revolution of youthful celebrity entry into Parliament has being embrace by another radio, TV, Actor cum Comedian Kwame Dzokoto.
He has confirmed his interest to contest for the parliamentary seat for the Tarkwa Ensoayem constituency. This confirmation comes on the background of rumors making runs in the entertainment news circles for the past week.

The "EDZBAN" TV host confirmed this on Pluzz Fm in an interview with Sammy Flex on Wednesday morning during AM Pluzz.

"It is true that l will be contesting for the parliamentary seat in the next election. You see, this is the area l grew up and most of the time the young ones come to me complaining about issues. Truthfully, some of these things, you don't need to be in Parliament to contest lobby for these things so l decided to go for the seat so that l can be able to get the best for the my people. So it is true l will be contesting for the Parliament" Kwame confirmed.

He also confirmed he will be contesting on the ticket of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC). "I will be contesting on the ticket of National Democratic Congress" he says.

Recently, the political field has being hit with broadcasters, actors and generally, entertainment and arts industry personalities.

During the last primaries held by the opposition party New Patriotic Party (NPP), ace broadcaster Kojo Oppong Nkrumah won the nob to be able to contest in the next general election. Another broadcaster, Abeiku Aggrey popularly called Abeiku Santana has also express interest in contesting on the ticket of the NDC.

About Unknown

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