Thursday 5 March 2015


One of the Board Members of the now known as GN Bank Awards formerly GN People's Choice Awards has indicated to Studio360gh their intension to sue the Registrar Generals Department.

In an interview with Studio360gh at the Alisa Hotel, Bertrand Nana Turkson a board member expressed his displeasure about the work done by the Registrar Generals Department.

He said it is not the job of Spylee Entertainment to research to find out whether the name they are going to register is already registered or not so as to prevent issues like what the GN Awards is facing now.
"It is not the job of Spylee Entertainment to find out if the name we are registering is already existing or not. It is the duty of the Registrar General to do that. Now look at the billboards that have the Awards ad and the airtime that has gone into publicity. It is all money."

He then continues to say they will sue the Registrar General when all is said and done with the event.

Just last week, an injunction was placed on the name of the awards due to a case filed against Spylee Entertainment by another event organising company called Evolution International.

Evolution International claim to have already registered an event under the said name, "PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARDS" though SpyLee Entertainment also claim to have registered the same name as a company.
Finally, the court placed an injunction on the usage of the name by both parties until the case is finally resolved. This forced organisers of awards scheme slated for 21st March, change the name to GN BANK AWARDS.

Bertrand Nana Turkson is an entertainment enthusiast, who has worked in the Ghanaian entertainment industry for several years. He is a showbiz critic on multiple radio and TV programmes/stations.
His vast knowledge and experience in various subjects and disciplines from current affairs to entertainment, making him a valuable resource person to most radio and TV platform he appears on weekly.
He is one of the Board Members for the GN Bank Awards which is slated for the 21st March 2015 at the Accra International Conference Centre.

(Click on the link to watch he video.
Checkout YouTube channel: Studio360 gh)
About Unknown

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