Monday 30 March 2015

2015 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards: Academy Votes

Contrary to what people may think, the decision of who wins what at the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMAs) is not taken by Charterhouse, the event organisers.
In times past, artistes who do not win anticipated awards have vented their spleen on the organisers hurling all manner of venomous invectives at them for a decision that is taken by the Academy, the Board and the general public.

Last Saturday, March 28, the VGMA Academy had its turn to decide at the Airport View Hotel.
The VGMA Academy consists of DJs, entertainment writers, presenters and critics who are carefully selected from across the country giving the Awards a national feel.

The Academy voting process is a crucial aspect of the VGMA decision making process.
After the Academy voted, KPMG the event statisticians, took charge of their individual voting sheets for verification and compilation.
The event statisticians will after the close of voting, tally the results of the general public, the Board and the Academy. They will certify, verify them and present the voting results on the night of the main event.

Voting of the award scheme is shared among the general public who have a voting weight of 40 percent, the Academy; 30 percent and the Board who have a voting weight of 30 percent.
The voting weight takes a different turn of 50 percent – 50 percent  between the Academy and the Board when it comes to the non-public or categories.
The 2015 VGMA Academy may have had their say, but voting is still ongoing for the general public until Tuesday, April 7, when it officially closes.
The Vodafone Ghana Music Awards is sponsored by Vodafone with support from Star, GHOne Entertainment Television and produced by Charterhouse.
About Unknown

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