Wednesday 18 March 2015


The legal team of ace broadcaster Kwesi Kyei Darkwa (KKD) was outraged in court Wednesday as state prosecutors pleaded for a one month recess to constitute a jury in the popular rape case.

The prosecution being led by one Malike Wonya told the court a seven-member jury is being constituted before the trial can begin and needs more time to see to that hence the case has to be adjourned.

According to Starr News’ Wilberforce Asare, KKD’s lead counsel Anthony Forson “was visibly upset” and “attacked state prosecutors in court for not extending bar courtesy to him” if they knew the trial would not come off today.

KKD is being tried for allegedly raping one Ewureffe Orleans Thompson in a washroom of the Africa Regent Hotel in Accra. He has pleaded not guilty, but a lower court committed him to trial at the High Court, although the victim and complainant has shown lack of interest in the case.

KKD’s lawyer argued in court on Wednesday that he felt the prosecution could have used the previous weeks to put up a jury and registered his dissatisfaction about how the prosecution is handling the case.

The case will be recalled on April 22.

About Unknown

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