Tuesday 24 March 2015


It has come to the attention of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA) that there are rumours going round on social media particularly Facebook that highlife exponent Ben Brako is dead.

MUSIGA would like to categorically deny this rumour and tell Ben’s teeming fans and friends alike that Ben is doing well. Ben would like to assure his fans that “I am alive and kicking and looking forward to my next gig”.

On Saturday social media was buzzing with rumours of Mr Brako’s death and leading players in the industry who have spoken to him have expressed their distaste at the rumours.
Ex-MUSIGA President Diana Hopeson who spoke with Ben on Saturday was unenthused about the rumour and MUSIGA President Obour also expressed his dismay at the rumours.
About Unknown

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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