Wednesday 25 February 2015


She stood on her feet from her seat in shock when her name was mentioned. She walked towards the stage screaming as she walked bare footed with her hair gear and her mouth widely opened in smiles showcasing her well arranged white teeth. That was the night of the VGMAs when Cecilia Marfo won an award for her wonderful work done in the year of review.

 Watching her from where l sat made me have a feeling of the excitement which fills the hearts of musicians who are called as winners for a particular category during the awards.
Her reaction actually did not just let me see the excitement but also the importance and relevance of the awards to musicians.

I can make mention of the "Aben woha" Daddy Lumba night of glory, the Lord Kenya's excitement,the Kojo Antwi surprise,the Kontihene Shocker,the VIP rider, the Obour's konkontiba laughs, Okyeame Kwame's "woso" pride and the Sarkordie praises to God when these various artistes won the top most awards on the night of the VGMAs in different years of review.

 Frankly speaking, all these artistes didn't just feel proud but also went ahead to increase the rate when being booked for an event (l stand to be corrected though).

 Again, these awards gave them some rebranded image in the music industry.
After all these observations ask why do we still have the "Johnny Talkers" about the VGMAs?

 Oh sorry, let me let you into who "Johnny Talker" is.

 Johnny Talker is the person who pretends not to need or want something that he know would help him or her to shoot up to another level of success. "Johnny Talker" would tell the world "this and that" is not important and of no relevance and significance but yet when they receive it, they go behind the scenes and use it as their tags of praise.

 I guess by now you know who Johnny Talker is?

 Some few years ago, a gospel singer rubbished the VGMAs by saying," She won't pay money (as bride) to receive a "wood"(plague).

 Again, a hiplife artiste condemned the VGMA award with his music and utterances and yet when he was awarded on one of the nights, he used the same award he has condemned as his price tag when his service was in demand; interesting isn't it?

 In recent times, we have seen and heard the same reaction from some artistes but l want to ask, "Is Johnny Talker using this line of action to play a PR gimmick to stay relevant on the music scene as he or she sees the importance of the award? Hmmmmm....only God knows.

I wish to make things clear here because l don't want you to confuse critic from pretence. Everyone has the right to analyse and criticise the award scheme because that would help improve the awards.

 Again, we have seen on several occasions the flaws of the organisers and we have all the right to point them out to them.
Let me give you an example; last year's edition for the year 2013/2014 went wrong when the board awarded Bisa Kdei as the Song Writer of the Year over OJ ( that is my opinion though). A critical analysis of the category and the two songs by both artistes made it too easy to pick the winner. Well, who knows what the board might have seen that some of us who criticise it didn't see.

 Again, there have being serious concerns in connection to the "peanuts" offered Ghanaian musicians bill to perform on the night as compared to that of their fellows from outside Ghana. Let me say this, if these allegations and concerns are true,then the organisers must come again because some performances from these foreign artistes are no where near that of the Ghanaian artiste's creativity on stage.

Now lets drive the "Johnny Talkers" home. Whether we like it or not, the fact remains as,

 1. The VGMAs have come to stay and it belongs to musicians in Ghana.

 2. The VGMAs is the biggest music awards event for Ghanaian musicians in Ghana. If it wasn't, we wouldn't have musicians ordering their clothes for the night all the way from Europe and the Americas.

 3. The VGMAs increases your level of popularity, significance and recognition in the music industry. If not,it won't be a price tag for winners.

 4. The VGMAs would still be here whiles musicians come and go.

 5. Again,the VGMAs gives musicians and their management team an opportunity to rebrand the career of the musician. Ask Sarkodie and he will tell you more on this point.

There are a lot but just these five points would make the "Johnny Talkers" think again.

Interestingly, there is another twist.
Some "Johnny Talkers" have actually strategically planned this angle to keep and make them relevant in the music cycles. Frankly speaking, that to me is another way of selling your brand and if that is your channel of marketing in the "music game" and nothing personal, kudos but lets make it more constructive and clean.

As the VGMAs approach, more "Johnny Talkers" will arise but lets all be careful how we talk because what you belittle today, would be the same corner stone you might need to complete your building.
To all the Johnny Talkers and those who aspire to be one,

"WHAT A JOHN?"......keep talking!!!!

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About Unknown

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