Wednesday 25 February 2015



To read and understand this, please imagine that you are at the National Theatre to watch a play. You've just shown your ticket at the entrance and been ushered in by a very pretty young lady. As you take your front row seat, she gives you a brochure. You flip the cover page open and here's the article that greets you;
"Welcome to the National Theatre, the home of the stars as she’s been described. If you bought a ticket to be here tonight or contributed to this production in one way or the other then we are truly grateful. Your presence and support is indeed appreciated and in the next few lines, indulge me as I take you through the benefits of a production like this and how far your support may have gone economically, socially and even culturally.
This is a live theatre production - one of the most pleasurable and memorable experiences that many people are able to take advantage of. Aside the fun and possible lessons that may be learnt, it provides a sense of vibrancy and quality of life that people in communities without live or outdoor theatres may not quite understand.
Live theatre can have a considerable impact on the community in which it resides. As people attend theatrical performances, they typically take part in the activities in addition to the theatre itself which increases the amount of money spent in the area, and as a result boosts the local economy. Did you come alone? If not take a quick look at your partner. There must be something new on his or her body. Is it the outfit, the hair, the shoes? Did you stop by the gas station on your way? Did you impulsively buy something else at Koala when you went to purchase your ticket? Whether people stop at the local restaurant before attending the theatre, or stop in local shops after the production, money gets spent in one way or the other. Additionally, theatre related businesses come in greater demand when a live theatre is present. Have you just any idea how much money has been spent at the timber market getting the set ready? Have you the slightest idea how many carpenters were able to feed their families, pay rent and even school fees just because their expertise came in handy at the set construction stage? Let’s look at the costume, the dry cleaners, wig makers, hair stylists, retail establishments, media houses, ticketing, escort, transport, paint, security organizations, the list goes on. The play hasn't started yet has it? Good. Now take a minute to go back outside. Look at those checking the tickets. i bet you will find one or two people who are just standing or sitting there seemingly doing nothing. Yes, that man in the dark blue 1945 pre-independence suit, and the light skinned lady (or is it a bleach?) in the flat sole shoes. Well, those are the VAT people. Government appointees who have been sent to come and take 15% of the procceds from this show. They haven't supported the show in any way, but they will take thier 'pound of flesh' even before we the producers consider our costs of production. Yet, theatre is the one area government hasn't even cared to look at. I stand to be corrected. So where does all the money (15%) VAT go to? Road construction, schools, hospitals, teacher training, books, sports development, political rallies or T-shirts for voters and market women?
The socio-cultural benefits of a live theatre can also not be understated. Take your head out of these lines for a second and look round. I bet you will find a different skin colour seated somewhere in this auditorium. Oh yes, a live theatre does bring together people of all racial and economic backgrounds as they experience an evening of pure theatrical delight. In addition, it helps people relate better to one another as they are able to catch a glimpse into what the theatrical or musical performance displays; thus, creating a sense of understanding and commonality within diverse groups of the community.
I stand at this stage and salute the legendary Ebo White and his Roverman Productions for the beautiful pieces they’ve put up numerously at the National Theatre. For me, Mr. White’s plays are the best marriage counseling class any couple could have. Ebo White has a way of saying things that you agree with but might never have the guts to say to your spouse and intelligently creates some kind of a mirror through which we see all our follies in one grand production. This is yet another benefit of the living theatre. Theatre productions also inform, straighten, educate and enlighten people by examining and exploring various social, political, personal, and artistic issues that are relevant within our lives and communities-these are often trends that span generational gaps and show how people can overcome differences and celebrate unique aspects of our lives.
Regardless of age or socio-economic standing, theatre productions can be enlightening, enjoyable, and educational. By supporting live and outdoor theatre, there are numerous benefits to both the community and those taking advantage of the arts.
As a child I once had a friend call me “concert boy”. It was an expression I didn’t understand then and felt it was rather condescending. As I grew up though I realized it was just an ignorant description of who I was really meant to be – a performing artist and I don’t regret being one. That same ignorance is what makes many people refer to the study of the performing arts at the University of Ghana as “dondology” – a sad description indeed.
But the fact many of us are ignorant of is that numerous long-term studies have suggested that children who participate in fine arts and theatre do better in school, regardless of their cultural or socio-economic background. Additionally, they experience increased community awareness, social skills, cultural perspective, and artistic abilities. These are all skills that help children learn to function more responsibly within our communities as they become contributing members of our society. So maybe that’s why I’m so different from all my siblings – after all, I am the “concert boy”.
Thanks again for supporting this venture, but more importantly thank you for believing in us. And to governments past, government present and governments to come, continue neglecting the theatre and our National growth will continue to face challenges. Just take a look at the America's, South Africa, Nigeria, China and Japan...countries that have taken theatre and the arts very seriously. When you travel please don't just go and drink tea and buy new clothes, observe thier growth, thier development, thier senses of patriotism. See, ask and try to understand what they have done with theatre and how theatre has in turn contributed to the commendable growth and development of thier countries. Worried about job creation? One theatre show pays over 100 people. Worried about patriotism, let us teach it the easier way on the stage so the teachers in the schools can concentrate on other subjects. Worried about morals? Support the arts - theatre arts and see how much morals we can teach by staging just a few plays. Theatre is not just margical, it is the solution to everything. If you didn't know, now you know. If you are going to tax us, use our money to help us grow. Is that too much to ask?????
About Unknown

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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