Thursday 26 February 2015


Lydia Forson on Tuesday expressed her sincere appreciation and love to he fans.
This act many of her followers we spoke to confirm the kind of heart they think she has(a heart o selflessness and humbleness).
In an interview with one of her followers who only gave her name as Anita; she said,

"I follow many actors and actresses and l love their acts but most of them don't appreciate the support we the fans give them. You sometimes send them messages and not even a single one of them is replied. We the fans don't need anything from them but a simple "hi" and "thank you" make us also feel special. So am very happy when l saw Lydia's message though it wasn't a personal message but it shows she really love the little support and love we show her".

This was Lydia's message to her fans who she call "soldiers".

"I hardly do this but this message right here just made my otherwise stressful day seem better.
Sometimes what you don't know is I'm strong or may seem strong because of the power you give me.
Yes you, you and you At my lowest and when I want to throw in the towel, I get a kind message, phone call or email to remind me that you're looking up to me. Now that gives me the nudge I need to get back on track. Your words mean more to me than you can imagine, and I don't take you...r support for granted, not one bit.
So I may not say it often enough but THANK YOU for choosing to love and support someone you've never met, even amidst all the stories and half truths; you still choose to believe in me.
On the days when I feel no one gets my passion I look to you and smile to my self thinking "who care's, those who matter get me"

Love you all.
P.S How come we don't have a cool name for you my soldiers( you're more soldiers than fans cuz you got me like that) Abeg lets be cool and come up with one."

Lydia who burst onto the movie scene as an actress is not just an actress but a producer. Her recent production "A LETTER FROM ADAM" has been a success story judging from the successes of the premieres in various cities across Ghana.
About Unknown

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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