Tuesday 20 October 2015

The "Sharp Teeth" of a False "Love & Marriage" Singing Repairer

I have a dream sorry not that of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I meant l had a dream. A dream where ArchBishop Nicholas Duncan Williams has returned to his wee smoking and stealing habits claiming when he smokes, he will encourage the legalization of "weed". 
 I had a dream where Pastor Mensah Otabil has returned to his old ways with the excuse that, he finds it more difficult to do the work of God than the teaching of God's word. 
I had a dream where Bishop Charles Agin Asare has given out his Perez Dome to be use to host circular music shows with the excuse that, he wants to preach about love to the world because the Bible is full of love. Interestingly, on the night of the show in the dream, Pastor "Alewa" was performing on stage with some hot girls dancing and romancing him on stage.

Otilo, l was shocked in the dream and prayed in dream it should be a dream and not real. I opened my eyes and with a big shout like that of Samini's "buwy" only to notice it was a dream. I turned on the radio to be sure of myself and loo and behold, one of the names, did not return to his Godly ways but rather got sank in the dream into the real world. Pastor Alewa, missed his flight back to his Godly ways and landed in the lands of the dream. 

At the age of 14, my dad who is a marriage counsellor and a Presbyterian started educating me on sex. One fundamental statement l remember emphatically everytime he was about to introduce a new topic was, "never ever have sex until marriage. As you grow, there maybe a time you may fail to resist as human. When you try every means of resistance and you fail, make sure you don't impregnate any lady if you are not married to her. So in short, try and always resist for that will always make you the true man you want to be. Remember, it is not acceptable per the beliefs we belong which is Christianity and again our society". I have kept this advice till date though l know l failed on some occasions.
Otilo, l never knew some Pastors or better Prophets actually endorse impregnating women if you've not married them ooo. Recently, a media colleague sent me an audio to download and help promote via our media platforms. I patiently downloaded this audio with my hard earned data. To be sure of what l was about to help promote, l listened to the song carefully to prevent me going against work policies and ethics.
Otilo, the first voice l heard was that of multi award winner rapper, Sarkodie and his lyrics spoke opposite of what my father has taught me from the age of 14. I just shake my head and smiled and the next thing l heard was the voice of a man who was a good highlife musician who came to tell the world he has being called by God to do His work and so he is a Prophet. If only he said he was a Prophet, l won't have being hurt but went further to establish a church with a congregation size of about a hundred l hear.
Otilo, this is the same man l saw laying hands on people in photos in his white jacket with a red inner long sleeve shirt and a semi "ponkijoe" hair cut. I am very sure he might have prophesized into the lives of many people from the look of the pictures.
When l heard his voice Otilo, l thought he was going to educate or correct Sarkodie but he rather seasoned Sarkodie's lyrics with his voice and polished it like a sand paper on a gourd ready to be divided into a calabash for Hajia Maamuna to use in selling "koko and koose" at the junction where we meet every Saturday morning after our football match.

The highlife turned Man of God with a self title Prophet, after seasoning asked a lady in the song to be his queen of Sheebah.
I beg ooo Otilo, who was Queen of Sheebah in the Bible or she is just an illusion to enable someone put lyrics together? Anyways, he further classically wrapped the whole song with a local name given to a toffee we use to eat when we were children in a black and white color (don't know if MJ took some to be able to sing his hit song "Black and White" back in the days) and some in multi color. After listening to the song, l just decided to find out why the-repented - self acclaimed - you turned highlife singer - curved Prophet and reversed "Love Singer" cum "Marriage Repairer" decided to return to highlife?

Otilo, l followed him from Pluzz FM with Sammy Flex to Starr fm with Bola Ray to Happy Fm with Dr. Cann and finally with Kwesi Aboagye on Peace fm but instead of getting answers, frankly, l'm only getting a man who needs a whole crusade to make me understand what he is claiming to be the pacesetter of. From circular to Prophet to Circular and he says, he wants to be the pacesetter? (What a wow!!?...in Kalybos voice).

Now imagine this Otilo, the cameras follow you everywhere you go. You travel the world at any point in time at the expense of others. When you cough, it is news. You have all the ladies at your disposal. You have people who will clean your vomits just so they can get "noko fiooo" (token). You are allowed to enter high profile gatherings. You are a role model to some people and those people will fight for you at any given time. In fact, when you cheat the people you are working with, they don't talk because your voice goes far and wider than them. Simply put, you are a mini "god" in town. Then all of a sudden, you wake up one day with that burning desire to serve God in all holiness and you immediately jump into the market square to announce your resignation from what make you the "mini god". 
Otilo, you then tried to do same in a different way but this time, you never had the luxury like it use to be. The most painful thing is, you attend your own trainer's birthday party and people just by pass you like you don't exist until a few noticed your presence and start to hug and shake you. Otilo, be frank with me, won't you quit this new one and simply go back to what gave you all those attention because it hurts?
Well l'm not saying that is why he has dropped his white jacket and red long sleeve inner shirt and Prophet title to return to "Mr. All 4 Real. At the name mention "All 4 Real", l ask, who is for real here? Him or God? Hmmmmm!!!!!

My blossom friend Otilo, do you know he said he is no longer the head Pastor of his own church he established with a congregation of about a hundred? He claims to have handed over to his Junior Pastor so he can become a common floor member in the church. But wait oooo, as the owner of the church, what would be his share when funds are distributed out of the money bag or bowls of the church? Is this not pure church business and not really a church established by God? Anyways, judge not... thou says the Bible.

That reminds me Otilo, he also claim to find it easier to write his so called "love songs" than writing "gospel" songs. My question is, did God call you to His ministry as a Prophet or a Gospel musician or both? Again, who says, Obaapa Christy formerly called Christiana Love wrote all her hit gospel songs? Otilo, tell him to stop that line because he is not communicating to children.

Aside everything Otilo, you remember when our Sunday school teacher always ensure that we quote from the Bible with the verse attached because she believes that always move God and shake the evil ones? The "repented returnee" actually quoted a verse and totally forgot the attached chapter and yet he said it was his favourite quotation. Otilo, isn't it interesting? I know you and l make these statements but unknown to us "repented" Prophets do same so l'm sure soon we will be Prophets and establish a church wai. Let me tell you something in relation to this Otila, "Love Singer" has also said on another platform that, the memory verse question wasn't necessary and that question is meant for kids oooo. He further says, he didn't want to answer mpo. Hmmmmm...anyway Otilo, let us thank God the person who asked him to quote his favorite memory verse isn't as dump as his reasons for returning to do circular music eeehh...sorry ooo "love songs" to repair marriages. 

Frankly speaking Otilo, l can see him becoming very successful in his journey of "makun se" (a Ga word for "l shall return") but believe you me, if he continues like this, he should never on any platform say "it was the doing of God because the devil can also give such fame and success but not eternal life. Mr. Returnee 4 Real, remember during the end times as the Bible says, false Prophets shall come. Hope you have not forgotten like you did with your memory verse because you have lots of them in your mind? 

Those two words, "False Prophets" was never meant for only preacher men in the church. They also refer to every aspect of ministering be it music, evangelism and the likes so please kindly be careful what you are doing and saying because the Bible says, by their fruits, you shall know them. 

Again Otilo, l don't know whoever is advising him to use this yellow or black anaa...its white propaganda? Anyways which ever propaganda it is to lit his "dead" highlife career  due to his own decision. Whoever it is, if there is, please tell him to leave God out of the picture. Simply go back to the drawing board and get a better thought provoking plan than this one which sketches you as a confident trickster, a false prophet and a broke a** church mouse who will do anything to get back into limelight including chewing the little offertory from the church which includes the last penny given by the poor woman in the Bible which pleased God.

Otilo, let me let you into this. Criss Waddle the hiplife musician of R2Bees fame says God didn't even flash him oooo.
Morris Babyface has also said he is disappointed in him with his actions and just before the week ended, the "Ataatwe" hit maker now turn Pastor, Papa Shee also says the man needs prayers ooo. As if that is not enough, Evangelist Lord Kenya also added his voice and if Mr. Returnee will listen, it will help him.
On the other hand Otilo, what has Mr. All 4 Real seen or heard that is making him stand firm by his decision? 
Who knows Otila, he might have heard or seen something no one else can understand hence his decision but l like what Lord Kenya said on radio over the weekend, " SOMETHING IS WRONG"?
If truly something is wrong, lets all help pray with our brother 4 Real.  

Mr. All 4 Real, Otilo and l don't feed you. We don't clothe you neither do we do anything to take care of you but please, as long as we have this little brother of ours who love you "die" and follow your footsteps in whatever direction you go please take the right direction for him. My All 4 Real, for the first time in our brother's adolescent life, he started going to church when you repented. He also wanted us to bring him to your church but just we didn't know where it was. So we are begging of you to take the right decision and the right steps because if one day, he turns out to behave like you are doing now, trust Otilo and l, we will beat the hell out of him especially when we don't live in America or Europe for him to call 911. 

Again, Mr. All 4 Real, if we humans are not okay with your decisions, l wonder how the Heavens would be after they celebrated your repentance and now you making a u-turn?

Hmmmmm...anyways, our dear reversed highlife singer ehh.. sorry oo.. why do l always forget..."Love singer" cum "Marriage Repairer" Minister or Preacher, for the sake of our little brother and his friends who are the next generation, kindly return to circular world in silence and in peace or please stay and continue to do your Prophetic works and stop ridiculing God all because you need attention to promote your "uninformed love ministry you claim to be returning to. If you have no idea what the anger of God can do, please go back to the Bible and read what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah. 

For your information Love singer, Otilo and l don't really serve God in truth and in Spirit but in our own little way, we respect and worship our God in Heaven and dare not ridicule Him because we count our blessings one by one, day in and day out.

Seriously Otilo, l am still at sea why he is hopping from one station to other explaining himself to every Ghanaian and the world in general. Please Mr. Returnee 4 Real, kindly just shut up and bow your head in shame for deceiving yourself.  

Otilo, hope l said all we wanted to say?
Forgive me if l did not but at least l tried isn't it?

Author: Otilo Series
About Unknown

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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