Saturday 10 October 2015

Actor Eddie Nartey "slaps" Eddie Watson for Tarnishing his Image

Each and every time we hear of fallouts between actors and actresses. Interestingly, all of them have something to say to justify themselves. Currently, Ghanaian actor, producer and director Eddie Nartey and his friend and colleague Eddie Watson are the victims of actors breakout.

The Eddies who have supported each other on projects are now on the bad sides of each other.

 Eddie Nartey in an instagram post made this known to the world and expressed his disappointment in his friend Eddie Watson.
In his words, he claims Eddie Watson is tarnishing his images to producers by spreading force information about him. Again, he claims he kept mute after Eddie Watson's wife by name Naomi who gave birth recently insulted and cursed him.

He wrote:

Before you sound the trumpet of ungratefulness, replay the events from day one. 
I have virtually ignored all the lies you#Eddie Watson have been saying about me to others just to slander my name but I think this nonsense is getting out of hands. If slandering me with lies becomes the best way to appreciate or say thank you, why don’t you use that same tongue to at least tell them from day. 
Is that my reward for those nights you stood on me, jumping from on house to another, one spot to the other just to finish your script because of Dumsor? 
Is that my reward for planning your production for you even though I was the director whiles you take producing credit and sleep? 
Is that my reward for……no need to even mention them all cuz you and everyone who was on that production know the truth. So tell the public the truth rather than tarnishing my hard earned image. 
Have you told them how much you paid me? Still waiting for a pesewa Sef. 
Have you told them that we went on production break because your money was finished? And the next thing we heard, you have become a director Continuing the movie. I was shocked as much as Pascaline Edwards, and other members of the crew. Tell the people the TRUTH.
Listen, the same producers you went bad mouthing called me into their offices and told me exactly the bad image you are painting for me in this industry. All for what? All for WHAT??? What do you stand to gain? 
I dare you to tell Ghana what wrong I did you even after your wife sent me messages of insult and curses after all I did for you. 
Soldier when it’s Beautiful, Don’t ruin it. Sorry, you are not even a soldier anymore!!!’ And STOP THE LIES EDDIE WATSON!! Let God be the judge!

About Unknown

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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