Wednesday 25 November 2015

Reader's Mail: X Factor “JOKES” turned “UNDERDOGS”

“JOKES” so they say but one cannot deny the fact that Reggie N Bollie formally Men on Point are slowly but surely making strides in the X Factor fraternity. Since their appearance on the X Factor stage, I have heard a lot of people including CELEBRITIES like Chantelle, Caroline and Jessica on their CELEBRITY FUN ZONE platform and others on different platforms call them “JOKES” of this year’s competition.
But after watching their performances I beg to differ. They might not be the best of singers I agree, but do they have the X Factor? In my view, YES they do.

I have always known Reggie Zippy as one Ghanaian artiste with a very unique voice and strong presence. And for his group mate Bollie, it’s all about the crazy dance moves and the fun he attach to his craft. One can’t deny the fact that they are on the lips and pages of every Ghanaian and blogger I know and even the international media is blowing up on the duo for the fun, passion and energy they brought up on the X Factor stage. Call me weird! But funny enough I saw what the X Factor judges saw in them as I watched their auditions; that is, something DIFFERENT. Period!

Over the years, I have followed X Factor for sometime and I will admit that I don’t always agree with some of their decisions but for a group or individual to make it to the live shows after all the stages they have to pass through, I think we should cut them some slag, applaud and support our own.  We say this lot of times “Support our Own” and it’s becoming a CLICHÉ but it is the fact. Groups like FIFTH HARMONY and LITTLE MIX who were all put together after not qualifying earlier-on during audition stage, later on became UNDERDOGS of the competition and went on to WIN.

So can the “UNDERDOGS” Reggie N Bollie win? Call me crazy but WHY NOT! These entertainers are testing new waters and we sit here and claim they are “jokes” just because some international media outlets think so or what they are attempting is out of the status quo. Let’s not be stereotypical because in one way or another, not everyone will put the name of Ghana out there by winning a BET AWARD or smuggle NARCOTICS. So the least we can do is support since I know Ghanaians are allergic to VOTING!

Are they ready for the LIVE SHOWS? I think YES. All you need for a show like X Factor is “the X factor” passion and talent. And I think Reggie N Bollie  aka Menn on Point got it!

Sender: Janny Osei
About Unknown

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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