Wednesday 18 November 2015

Oprah Winfrey & Shonda Rhimes Reveal Why They Never Got Married

Oprah Winfrey has built a worldwide reputation for not just being the queen of talk shows, but also a female entrepreneur and media mogul worth billions of dollars.
Shonda Rhimes gained popularity for writing hit TV shows such as Scandal, How To get Away With Murder, Grey’s Anatomy and a few others.

In a TV interview called Supersoul Sunday, these two media icons sat down to talk about their success and why they chose to stay unmarried for all these years.
Oprah, 61, has had a life partner for 29 years. In the interview, she said that she always liked the idea of being married, but when her partner Stedman Graham asked her to marry him, it dawned on her that marriage wasn’t for her.

She explained further saying that in 1993 when they were supposed to get married, she was writing a book. So Stedman said he didn’t want his wedding to be interrupted by all the attention from her book, so he postponed the wedding, and till today, the topic of marriage has never come up again between them again.

According to Shonda, 45, though millions of women aspire to marriage, she has never wanted to get married. The mother of three admitted to enjoying dating but as for marriage, it’s a no-no for her. “I don’t want a husband in my house,” she said.
Source: Huffington Post
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