Thursday 17 May 2012


BIG BROTHER AFRICA is undoubtedly one of the most viewed reality shows in Africa. It has gained a huge audience over the years. From Season to season it keeps growing stronger and stronger. Big Brother Africa today, is having large followers and the organizers should be congratulated for such an achievement.

l have personally followed this year's edition of the show which is dubbed "STAR GAME".
Its really interesting but l tried very hard to understand the whole concept and what exactly it intends to promote.
lf am right, l see the show as trying to bring to light the different kind of people and characters we have in different countries and better how best they will relate to each other under one umbrella.
Secondly, l think the show is trying to bring to light the interrelationship between people from different backgrounds.l stand to be corrected but if these are the ideas behind it, l guess its one way or the other good.

l asked myself this question if these housemates are really portraying what their country really represent or they are there to represent themselves?

How l wish BIG BROTHER AFRICA with its huge audience and followers all over the world would help promote the true African Heritage, the challenges of Africa and also bring to light some of the ways forward to a developed Africa.

l never thought of this until a friend of my asked me whether what am watching is BIG BROTHER AFRICA or BIG BROTHER "FOREIGN"?
All the housemates are trying to behavior like some foreigner from another continent. The values of the African is actually missing and l personally was happy when BIG BROTHER called the house to other.

Now you imagine, all these housemates interacting among themselves begin to educate themselves on the different cultures they are coming from. Not only would they be educating themselves but also be educating the rest of the world.
 l know some people would condem Africa's biggest realty show BIG BROTHER but l ask all these people why we as Africans are quick to destroying ourselves?

žWhether the show is good or bad is not the issue. What is significant is that BIG BROTHER can be used as a force to drive the promotional bus of tourism in Africa. It harps a message. When the message is persistent, it becomes persuasive. Over time, the audience is forced to imbibe, sometimes unconsciously. Eventually, the message becomes normal, then acceptable and ultimately ‘true’.  If not for anything at all, BIG BROTHER have promoted South Africa one way or the other.
l still believe that BIG BROTHER can be used as a platform to educate, inform and to entertainment the positive image of Africa.
The bottom line is that capitalising on BIG BROTHER to showcase a national brand is highly effective and positive.

To the organizers, partners, sponsors and to multichoice (DSTV, AFRICA MAGIC)we say well done for such a gift to Africa but more can be done to promote the continent Africa. 

About Unknown

Pellentesque penatibus, sed rutrum viverra quisque pede, mauris commodo sodales enim porttitor. Magna convallis mi mollis, neque nostra mi vel volutpat lacinia, vitae blandit est, bibendum vel ut. Congue ultricies, libero velit amet magna erat. Orci in, eleifend venenatis lacus.

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