Monday 30 July 2012

I’m not a big fool – Becca

Opinions are sharply divided among stakeholders in the Ghana music industry whether it makes economic sense for award-winning singer Becca to have released a single music video that cost an alarming $50,000; but the artiste has told NEWS-ONE she is no fool and that time would tell whether she took a right or wrong decision.
A single video costing $50,000 has never been recorded in Ghana’s music industry.
NEWS-ONE therefore reached EKB Records, managers of Becca, to explain the source of funding and rational of investment.
The music video is for her new song ‘No Away’ in which she featured Nigerian music heavyweight, M.I. (pronounced em-eye which stands for Mr. Incredible) and was shot on locations in South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria.
NEWS-ONE: Does it make economic sense for a Ghanaian artiste to come out with a music video estimated around $50,000?
E.K.B: It is worth it if you are targeting the African market and or beyond. But if not, then in my opinion it will not make sense. We have heard all the controversy and talks. Some congratulate us while others criticize us for whatever reasons.

Well it is all good but the truth is we are not a bunch of big fools here and we know exactly on which waters to cast our bread for it to return to us many days after.

Time would tell whether we acted wrongly or we took a prudent investment decision.

When you watch all those videos on Channel O, MTV, Trace Urban and other international channels, they air the songs not because it was by Beyonce or Akon.

If Beyonce does a bad video, no one would air it. And this is no illuminati fairytale; it is about quality and professionalism.

They look out for quality- quality of the filming, lighting, editing, sound, the content, and the production.

That is what we are looking at and that is what sells internationally and that is why the investment was worth it.

NEWS-ONE: How soon are we seeing this video?
E.K.B: On the 22nd of August, after it has been premiered in Nigeria. About a couple of weeks ago, we had an unveiling ceremony at the XL Club in Accra and I believe the media and music heavyweights who were there would testify that this is the biggest thing to happen to music videos in Ghana.

NEWS-ONE: What exactly went into the production that made it this expensive and where from the cash?
E.K.B: “Logistics, direction and most importantly quality of service. Quality is expensive but it pays off in the long run.

This video would create an international impact that is good for the artiste and our industry.

We had a sponsorship package from giant liquor brand Kasapreko Company Limited and fact is if there were a few more of such companies, our entertainment industry would have reached its desired destination.

What many investors do not know is that they can actually fall on artistes to take their brands international.

For instance, you invite foreign guests into Ghana and they tell you that drinks from Kasapreko right here in Ghana can compete with the entire international big liquor names you hear but we have not pushed hard enough.

We intend associating very strongly with the Kasapreko brand in all our international events and let the world accept for a fact that there is an authentic liquor brand from Ghana. Already, it is doing very well in Nigeria and a few other places.

NEWS-ONE: What influenced the decision to feature M.I. and how much was he paid?
E.K.B: We believed and still strongly believe that M.I. would add some more magic to the song which he did and also bring along his large fan base globally.

Interestingly, M.I. did the collaboration for absolutely free because in his own words ‘I have followed this artiste and I believe in her.’ As at when he was recording his part of the song, he had never met Becca in person. They met for the first time on the set of the video in South Africa.

NEWS-ONE: Is that the basis of deciding who Becca features in her songs?
E.K.B: All our features including that of Hugh Masekela have been based on the credibility. And it also depends on what the target it.

In Ghana, she has done songs with an uncountable number of very good artistes we consider to be very credible.

But there is actually a surprise coming your way in terms of who her next collaboration would be with.

When we say we are looking at the international market and thinking big, we need to prove it. Though it is a lot of hard work and sleepless nights, we are nearing the achievement of the dream.

NEWS-ONE: ‘No Away’. What is the message you want to send across.
E.K.B: Simple, when you love someone you have to give it your all till the end.

NEWS-ONE: Any special thing you want to tell your fans about this video?
E.K.B: That they should please be patient and wait for the public release on the 22nd of August and that it will be worth the wait.

NEWS-ONE: Thank you
E.K.B: We should be thanking you.

by News One
About Unknown

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