Friday 17 August 2012

Video: Prez John Dramani Mahama killing the Azonto dance

Flashback: President John Dramani Mahama, then Vice President, killing the almighty Azonto dance at a party at his residence in April this year.

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Wednesday 15 August 2012

New Music Video: Becca's $50,000 "No Away" Video Released

The much-talked about music video for Becca’s ‘No Away’ featuring Nigerian rapper, MI is finally out.

The video touted to cost an estimated $50,000 was shot in South Africa by acclaimed production house, Tough Sunday. Check it out !

If you love the video, let us know through your comments.

This is for YOU and especially YOU!!
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Sunday 5 August 2012

Kiki Banson To Wed Becca?

Award-winning music sensation Becca arrived in Accra from London last Wednesday night and the ‘touchy’ subject of getting married to her manger, Kiki Banson of EKB Records, has topped discussions with her family, says information reaching News-One.

A very reliable source has shown News-One some considerable evidence that Kiki Banson and Becca have kept a secret relationship for the past three years though both manager and artiste continue to deny this relationship.

“The lady’s family seems to have stopped opposing the marriage. They had initially expressed some discontent but it seems they are either now satisfied or simply tired of opposing the marriage and from the way things are going, nothing would stop them,” News-One was told.

In a related development, Kiki’s foreign-based wife (name and details withheld for now) was said to have gotten wind of the relationship between Kiki and Becca and this led to their divorce. What is not yet certain to News-One is who exactly initiated the divorce.

However, with Kiki now a single man and reports of Becca’s family holding back their resistance, there is absolutely no obstacle in the marriage plans of the two and they are expected to tie the nuptial knot by the end of this year and live together happily ever after.
This would not be the first instance of a manager getting married to his artiste in Ghanaian showbiz circles. Gospel singers Philippa Baafi and Herty Borngreat are all married to their managers.

Becca, known in private life as Rebecca Acheampong, will, on 22nd August, premier her newly produced music video, ‘No Away’, in Nigeria.

The yet-to-be-premiered music video raised eyebrows when reports spread that the production had cost some $50,000. It featured Nigerian music heavyweight, M.I. (pronounced em-eye which stands for Mr. Incredible) and was shot on locations in South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria.
Source: News-One
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PHOTO: P-Square Carry Their Mother's Casket

Nigerian singing duo Peter and Paul Okoye of P-Square were captured yesterday August 2, 2012 carrying the mortal remains of their late mother Josephine Okoye during the final funeral right in her home town in Anambra State, Nigeria.

The duo was also joined by their father and their other siblings, including Jude 'Engees', Tony and other children from Mrs Okoye, pay their final goodbyes to the woman referred to as a 'pillar' to the success achieved by the music group.

The funeral started on August 2, at her husband’s house at Ifite-Dunu, Akwa Village, Anambra State.

It was preceded with a lying-in-state in Umunachi, Umudioka Village, Anambra State, and a church service afterwards at St.Gabriel Catholic Church, before the proper burial at Ifite-Dunu, which is also be the reception venue.

M.I.C anchored the burial reported to have cost about 50 million Naira. 

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Wednesday 1 August 2012


Museums are the base where objects of arts and science are collected and cared for. More essentially, they make these objects available for the public viewing. that is why museums are key points visited by tourists.

Today, a day after the seven days marking the death of the our former president, H.E. Prof. John Evans Atta Mills, l hear the committee responsible for the planning of the funeral have announced that he will be buried at the special place allocated at the Presidential Palace (Flagstaff House).

Many people have had their own opinions about the place. Some have asked questions, some have supported and some are totalll not sure where they belong in the issue.

I wish to bring to light what l think about this, Ayalolo Ghana.

Ayalolo Ghana, when l heard of this, the first thing that flashed my mind was, this is another opportunity for Ghana to gain recognition and bag in huge revenue in the area of tourism.

Ayalolo Ghana, let me take you back a little.

Since the early 1980s when the erstwhile PNDC government embarked on IMF and World Bank prescribed Economic Recovery Programme and Structural Adjustment Programme (ERP/SAP), the tourism industry in Ghana has experienced sustained steady increase in tourist arrivals from 145,780 in 1990 to 399,000 in 2000 and projected to be around 698,069 in 2008.

The Ministry of Tourism was established in 1993 to underscore its commitment to tourism development. Like most African countries, attempts to develop a viable tourism industry in Ghana can be traced to the early part of the post independence period.

Tourism has become one of the main pillars that hold the Ghanaian economy. It currently contributes 6.7% to GDP and ranks as fourth highest in terms of foreign exchange earnings after Gold, Cocoa and foreign remittances. Therefore the socio-economic advancement for a non-industrialized economy like the Ghanaian economy, hinges to a large extent on the growth of the tourism industry.

The industry is labour intensive, currently accounting for 5.9% of total employment in Ghana and could therefore help alleviate the unemployment problem in the country.

Tourism also holds the key to unlocking the entrepreneurship potentials of the Ghanaian youth as it provides a ready market for several products and services such as transport, handicrafts, accommodation, food, cleaning and security, to mention a few.

žIt is against this background that there is great cause for concern about the recent negative growth experienced by the hospitality segment of the industry as reported in the budget statement for 2012.

žThe hotels and restaurant segment experienced a negative growth rate of -11% though it was projected to grow by 13.5%. This is not the first time that growth projections for the sector have not been achieved but this is the worst performance of the sector in recent times and should certainly raise eyebrows. This gloomy state of affairs could be partly attributed to the global financial crisis but more importantly, non-implementation of tourism policies, inadequate research and marketing efforts, high cost of doing business in Ghana and low level of domestic tourism. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the growth rate of GDP for the travel and tourism industries slowed by 1.0% in 2008, the weakest performance since the 2001-2003 recessions.



Since tourism is a global industry, Ghana's tourism industry is not insulated from the effects of the financial crisis. Though international tourist arrivals increased by about 16% between 2007 and 2008, receipts per arrival decreased by about 12%, from about US$2000 in 2007 to about $1770 in 2008 according to the GTA. The global economic meltdown nonetheless has contributed to the negative growth experienced by the hospitality segment of the tourism industry in Ghana.


The research and marketing efforts of Ghana as a destination, which is normally undertaken by the Ghana Tourist Authority is inadequate mainly due to the insufficiency of resources at its disposal.

Ayalolo Ghana, with this long background, l think the recent misfortune of our dear country is one great opportunity for us to create one great museum for the world to visit and appreciate in relations to presidency.

Ayalolo Ghana, now you view this, we always cry and go out there asking for loans and support from foreign countries. We did the same and today, the India Government in partnership with Ghana jointly built the Golden Jubilee House called the Flag Staffhouse. Today we are going to turn some part of the place as a cemetry to bury past, current and yet to come presidents of this great country.

I wonder one thing, Ayalolo Ghana, have the people who proposed this, thought of the what the Indian government will be thinking about us (Ghana). Indirectly, we are telling them that we allowed them to invest into our economy to build a cemetry. Was this our priority as a country in building that gangantuan palace; Ayalolo Ghana?

Now back to the issue of tourism, let us imagine the seat of government
,which is the Osu Castle, a place where our forefathers suffered, went through pain and some cursed their stars out of pain before they were finally sent to another land in the name of slavery be turned to a Presidential Museum?

 A place where the histroy of our past presidents, current and yet to come have their tombs at the place. The castle would not only talk about the presidents but would also tell the world about the what Ghana's presidency have being.

Today, Ayalolo Ghana, the history of our dear country's presidents have being told in soo many different ways that you sometimes wonder which one is the truth. Lets take a look at the history of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana as an example.

Another very important issue secondly, is the amount of money that this country would be bagging as revenue if the place is turned into a presidential museum.

A place that talks about of Ghana and her leadership history.

We as a people must come together and realise that the Flagstaff House must become the seat of government and the Castle should be our place of reference of; "where we are coming from, where we have gotten to and where we want to be as a people".

Ayalolo Ghana, you still have your own thought but in my own mind, this is not politics, this is not individualism, this is not party colours but THIS IS OUR DEAR COUNTRY GHANA and it goes beyond all of us.

Lets not forget,

"Much have be achieved, must have being done before we were born so we must be modest as we move on as a people".

Ayalolo Ghana, I just want you to ask yourself,




Handwriting of:

....Hoff and Overgaard Planning Consultants (1974) Tourism in Ghana:

.....Development Guide 1975-1990 ; A Master Feasibility Study Presented to the Government of Ghana, Copenhagen: The Danish International Development Agency.

Ghana Tourist Board (1999) Tourism Statistical Fact Sheet on Ghana, Accra, Ghana: Ghana Tourism Authority, Research Department.
Addo, N .O. et al., (1975) The Impact of Tourism on Social Life in Ghana: Accra,
Ghana: Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana.
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Love Knows No Gender Difference

TUESDAY, July 31 (HealthDay News) --

Think married men and women show their love in vastly different ways? Not necessarily.
Although popular culture reinforces the stereotype that there's a gender gap when it comes to expressing affection, few studies have actually tested the notion.
A small new study suggests, however, that men are just as likely as women to be openly affectionate. The study, which also identified some differences between the sexes, was published recently in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
"Men and women are actually more similar in the ways they express love than they are different," said study author Elizabeth Schoenfeld, a researcher at the University of Texas in Austin. "But we also learned that, even in the wake of feminism, wives express love by being less assertive and more accommodating, while husbands show love by initiating sex or sharing activities together."
The study involved 168 couples in first marriages living in rural central Pennsylvania. Data was collected in initial interviews, followed by telephone interviews in which husbands and wives separately reported activities and interactions. The interviews occurred within two months of when each couple was married and then annually, with a final set of interviews conducted after 13 years of marriage.
At the conclusion of the study, 105 of the original couples were still married, three were widowed and 56 were divorced. Almost all of the participants were white, and more than half had a high school education.
Contrary to some common gender stereotypes, the research showed that the more men loved their wives, the more likely they were to be affectionate. They were also more likely to involve their spouses in their leisure activities and in household chores. Love did not, however, mean a husband did more chores around the house or was more eager to relieve his wife of the chores for which she was responsible.
The researchers found, in general, that a husband's love may create an environment in which the couple does a variety of things together. The more husbands loved their wives, the more likely they were to initiate sex. For wives, though, increased love for their husbands meant they were actually less likely to make the first move.
Why would that be? "If a wife is feeling unloved, it could be that she is attempting to kick-start the marriage," Schoenfeld said.
Wives' love was less associated with interest in joint activities, and relied more on expressions of love. More love also was associated with greater accommodation to husbands' moods and needs.
"Biting their tongues, letting men initiate sex more often, showing a willingness to allow men to assert themselves a little more -- this is what we saw when women were more in love," Schoenfeld explained.
Some experts believe differences between men and women in marriage are typically overemphasized.
"There aren't too many real gender and sex differences between men and women on the whole," said Stevie Yap, a researcher in the department of psychology at Michigan State University in East Lansing. "If you look at the overall research, gender differences don't usually hold up."
Yap, who recently published research on happiness and marriage in the Journal of Research and Personality, found that although matrimony doesn't tend to make people happier than they were when they were single, it appears to protect against declines in happiness that can occur in adulthood.
Yap said only a few gender differences actually have been shown by research to be real: men tend to be physically stronger and more sexually active, and have a greater tendency toward aggression. He said that even these three characteristics, however, can be affected by socialization and experience.
Schoenfeld, too, thinks differences between the sexes have been exaggerated.
"Don't be fooled by popular stereotypes," she said. "Men are not from Mars and women are not from Venus. We are all on planet Earth."

By By Barbara Bronson Gray
HealthDay Reporter, HealthDay
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